The Danny Fox Trio, Wide Eyed

The Danny Fox Trio, Wide Eyed

Walter Smith/Mark Small, Bronze

Walter Smith/Mark Small, Bronze

Danny Fox Trio, The One Constant

Danny Fox Trio, The One Constant

Gregg Kallor, There's A Rhythm

Gregg Kallor, There's A Rhythm

Kyle Nasser, Restive Soul

Kyle Nasser, Restive Soul

Frank Kimbrough, Meantime

Frank Kimbrough, Meantime

Pete Robbins, Centric

Pete Robbins, Centric

Flying, Just-One-Second-Ago-Broken Eggshell







John William Watkins, The Oracle

John William Watkins, The Oracle

The Danny Fox Trio, The Great Nostalgist

The Danny Fox Trio, The Great Nostalgist

Albert Sanz y los Once Dedos, El Fabulador

Albert Sanz y los Once Dedos, El Fabulador

Steve Grover, Haiku"Van Beest finishes it with a spare solo that's sublime in its reserve." (Portland's Best Albums)

Steve Grover, Haiku

"Van Beest finishes it with a spare solo that's sublime in its reserve." (Portland's Best Albums)

Kalifactors, An Introduction To Kalifactors

Kalifactors, An Introduction To Kalifactors

Noam Weinstein, Probably Human

Noam Weinstein, Probably Human

Nascent Adventures,Nascent Adventures

Nascent Adventures,

Nascent Adventures

© Chris van Voorst van Beest 2015-2019